Received an assignment down by Eagle Pass to do some aerial photos of a fracture job and some rigs for a company doing exploratory work for some of that black gold(oil). Always lots of fun and a little unnerving to hang out of a helicopter to get a good angle. I met my pilot close by and he was a unique character(old, leathery, cow rustling type of cowboy). Well half way thru the shoot the copter starts to shake and I mean SHAKE. Well that's followed by and OH NO (from the pilot)! Which was followed by a WHAT from me and my hands together to say a Prayer. Long story short ....I had a dream the night before regarding this problem that ended badly. Well i'm glad to say the closer we got to the ground, I figured I would survive this ! Just wanted to give a Shout Out to the pilot. Who had to trailer that copter out of there and for me I walked back to my car wondering what could have been.